About me

Hello there! I’m an aspiring software engineer and computer scientist. I study Computer Science and Mathematics as an undergraduate at UNC-Chapel Hill with an Accelerated Research Scholarship.

My technical interests span Programming Languages, High Performance Computing, and Distributed Systems. I love packing my schedule with challenging classes and working on projects. I’ve served as a teaching assistant for Files and Databases, and strive to condense complicated topics into managible and informative guides: both as an instructor and technical collaborator.

Professionally, I’m currently interning at Susquehanna International Group conducting low latency research. I mess around with cool new hardware and find ways to improve the latency of trading systems.

I will now be moving to NYC to do more of the above

I’ve also previously worked at…

  • Palantir as a Software Engineer working on Disaster Recovery and Storage Infrastructure.
  • SIG as a Software Engineer working on Options Market Making
  • Cash App as a Machine Learning Engineer working on Recommendations
  • AWS as a Software Development Engineer for App Runner and Elastic Beanstalk

I have extensive experience building performant, scalable, and reliable systems that have served hundreds of millions of customers and I’m always keen to make an impact!

In my free-time, I enjoy solving algorithmic puzzles on Leetcode, Codeforces, and Kattis and listening to podcasts (big fan of Signals and Threads and ADSP). I also compete in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) for UNC.

Feel free to read my blog or education for a glimpse at my work!